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This black and white four page document is a handwritten account of the history of Agnew Hall, including its construction and an estimated timeline of construction activities. Donald Richardson, the one who wrote this piece, describes his time coming to work on Agnew Hall, as well as remembering some of those he worked with in its construction.
Physical Description
handwritten text on paper
Fort Hays State University, Ellis County (Kan.), Correspondence, Dormitories, Construction, Supervisors- Industrial
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Original Source
Richardson, D. L. (n.d.) Agnew Hall History Narrative.
Recommended Citation
Richardson, Donald L., "Agnew Hall History Narrative" (2022). Buildings & Facilities. 45.
Donald L. Richardson Salina Kansas I worked for Busboom & Rauh const. Co. when they built the Webster School when the Government bout the old tow of Webster to build a Dam for flood controll(sic) on the South Solomon River. That is where I started working for Busboom & Rauh. From there we moved to Phillipsburg to build the present State Highway maintenance and construction office. We moved from that job to Fort Hays campus to build the two wings of Agnew Hall. I don't know when we started and finished Agnew Hall but I stayed in the upstairs room in the home of Henry J. McFarland 206 West Ash Street. I have a card sent to me from my sister at that address postmarked December 20, 1954 so it was being built at that time. We started in warm weather and ended in warm weather. We moved from Hays to Liberal Kans. to build two one story grade schools and two story school building. I joined the Army September 17, 1955. The two story school was just getting started good at that time so that gives a rough time frame of the buildings before Agnew Hall. You may have a record of the start and finish of Agnew Hall const. but I don't have any other record. There was another college building being built at the same time south east of Agnew Hall with the creek seperating(sic) the two buildings. The other building I was told was housing for male students. I am not sure but as I remember they were ahead of us in their building. I don't know what cons. Co. was but our building inspector and theirs was the same person so he spent part of the day with both of us. Andy Anderson was the foreman for the building of Agnew Hall as he was for Webster & Phillipsburg projects. (NIBS) Norbert Dreiling and Lefty Dreiling (brothers) from Hays were the Head carpenters. Their father Hung all of the doors on all projects. Dan Schmidt later to be chief of police in Hays worked with the carpenters. I believe most of the workers were from the Hays area. I don't know who the brick foreman over the brick layer was not from Hays, but stayed in the hotel near Weisners clothing store. I was labor foreman for the men working with the brick layers. I was also the one to mix the mortor used in the building also for Webster & Phillipsburg. As I said most of the work was done by men from the Hays area but I can't remember the other names. This information is just to give you a background for a short history to go along with the pictures I took, not as many as I thought I had taken but at least a few. The pictures look not too much like the finished building with the center of Agnew Hall the full building now. Busboom & Rauh const. co. 145 1/2 south Santa Fe Ave Salina Kans Phone # 825-4664 There were no ready mix as now so we mixed concrete in a two sack mixer and wheelbarrows to move what we mixed. Donald L. Richardson 211 South 12th St. Stockton Kans. 785-425-7159
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