Volume 2020 (2020)
The Use of Social Media to Improve Student and Faculty Communication
Kathryn Amrein and Christine Hober
Improving Health Outcomes for Sexual Minorities Through Access
Alicia Arias and Mary Jo Gubitoso
Is Home Field Advantage Present In the NFL?
Luke Avila and Sam Schreyer
The Effect of Sam Brownback’s Gubernatorial Tenure on Kansan Opinion of Supply-Side Economics
Edward Barfield and Jay Steinmetz
The Three Reliances: An examination of static social capital within communities.
Jacob Besser and Brett Zollinger
Explaining Student Loan Default Rates Across U.S. Universities
Austin Blea and Sam Schreyer
What Factors Affect Income Inequality?
Cayleigh Brassfield and Sam Schreyer
Childhood Obesity
Alexandria Braun
Understanding Personality Changes in Law Enforcement Officers
Jessica Carpenter and Darin Challacombe
Change in the magnitude of meiotic drive due to increased temperature
Eugene Chon and Nicholas Stewart
Effects of Physical Activity in Bachelorette Nursing Students with Stress
Alexis Clarke and Christine Hober
A Method for Coupling Monte Carlo Simulations of Photon Transport to Focused Gaussian Beam Propagation
Patrick Cook and Clifton D. Clark
Using Text Messaging to Decrease Opioid Use After Hip and Knee Replacement
Mary Damico and Christine Hober
Prevention of Neural Tube Defects with Supplemental Folic Acid
Katie Darnell and Christine Hober
The Future Impacts of Autonomous Aid on Disaster Relief Efforts
Andrew Dodge and Eric Deneault
Agriculture and Nutrition: Promoting Good Health Through Rich Soil
Michelle Dreiling
Xiao Du and Paul Adams
Average Income in Relation to Political Stance
Ellea Ediger and Sam Schreyer
Ensuring Quality in High School Mental Health Services
Karen Eikleberry and Brooke Mann
Does Race Affect NBA Players Salary?
Larkin Feikert and Sam Schreyer
Promotion of Evidence-Based Practice Skill and Attitude Among Advanced Nurses
Dawn Galagan-Rodriguez
The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Patients’ Pain Level, Mood, and Overall Hospital Satisfaction
Ryan Gengler and Christine Hober
Improving Operating Room Efficiency and Decreasing Wait Times Using Lean Six Sigma
Starlette Godwin and Janelle Harding
Effects of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections on the Healing of Different Tissues in Athletes: A Systematic Review
Kelly Griffith and David Fitzhugh
Effects of Mock Code Blue Simulations on Interdisciplinary Team Response and Confidence
Jillian Harper and Christine Hober
Due Process vs Crime Control Models of Justice
Abigail Hayes and Tamara Lynn
How Do Personal Remittances Affect Income Inequality?
Lucas Heinzen and Sam Schreyer
The psychology of a serial killer
Niurka Henrriques and Tamara Lynn
Flipped Assessment: Using ‘Team’ Escape Room Activities to Validate Student Learning Outcomes
Christine Hober
Atmospheric Effects on Small Plant Life
James Hole and Paul Adams
Optimizing 3D Representations of Organic Processes.
James Hole and Krisztina Bencze
Average Perception of the Middle Class
Luke Hoskinson and Sam Schreyer
Effects of Health and Marital Status on Financial Well-Being
Tamzidul Islam and Sam Schreyer
High altitude balloon checking our weather forecast
Sangwon Ji and Paul Adams
Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training: A Systematic Review
Devon Jones and David Fitzhugh
The War On Stigma: Examining Mental Illness Stigma in the U.S. Military
Haley Jones and Brooke Mann
Effects of Kangaroo Care on Physiological Function of Pre-Term Infants
Kylee Kasselman and Christine Hober
The Use of Recreational Drugs in Athletes Compared to Non-Athlete College Students: A Systematic Review
Ashleigh Kramps and David Fitzhugh
The impact of Ashtanga yoga on reducing seizures and increasing quality of life among individuals with intractable epilepsy
Skyler Krull and Whitney Whitaker
Age 25-34 Financial Well-Being Scores
Grant Lambert and Sam Schreyer
Financial Well-Being in the United States
Alexis Langdon and Sam Schreyer
The Effects of Nursing Students Participating in a Operating Room Simulation
Christina Lawver, Christine Hober, and Shauna Keil
Engineering part of Payload box in High Altitude Balloon Experiment.
DoHeon Lee and Paul Adams
Intelligent Extensive Markup Language Parser
Peter Lee and Hongbaio Zeng
Effects of Physical Exercise on Patients with Depression
Danielle Lindeman and Christine Hober
The Shape of the Blade with the highest power generation efficiency
Ruonan Liu and Joseph Chretien
"But We Were Drunk When It Happened, It Doesn't Count": A Discussion on Sexual Violence and Victim Blaming
Viviana Lizarraga and Brooke Mann
Common sense coping: Improving sensory resources in rural schools
Ashley Lockwood and Josh Tanguay
Mandatory Minimums Sentencing: Psychological Effects on Inmates, Developmental Effects on Children & Delinquency
Brooke Luedke
What Factors Affect Web-Based Professor Ratings?
Hannah Magathan and Sam Schreyer
Brewology Research Project: identifying the consumer values and motivations implicated in the rise of microbreweries in the Midwest
Zachary Meyer and Rachel Dolechek
Campus Inclusivity: Student Experiences of Accessibility at FHSU
Rachel Moravek and Christy Craig
Increasing Advanced Directives in Primary Care
Jenny Niblock and Christine Hober
The Impact of Oral Contraceptive on Female Fertility: Issues with Infertility and Spontaneous Abortion!
Julia Nowak and Christine Hober
Impact of Education on Patients’ Perception of Quality Treatment by Male Nurses
Bianca Okinda and Christine Hober
Effects of Waterbirth on Laboring Women
Odalis Ordaz and Christine Hober
The Effects of Climate on South African Livelihoods
Shelby Oshel and Jeanne Sumrall
HighAltitude ballooning
Seojoon Park and Paul Adams
The Impact of Vaccinations on Causing Autism in Children
Brandy Pfeifer and Christine Hober
Effects of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Prevention Protocol in Intensive Care Patients
Grace Philop and Christine Hober
Implementation of a Heart Failure Template into the Workflow of a Rural Cardiology Clinic
Cathryn Preisner and Mary Jo Gubitoso
Stress in Law Enforcement: How Do We Keep Officers Motivated?
Tatiyanna Ray and Tamara Lynn
Fostering Effective Parent Engagement
Jeffrey Robertson and Megan Finnerty
Determinants of Average Student Debt
Karisa Schremmer and Sam Schreyer
Machine Automatically Compare Exchange Rate
Yaseong Shim and Hongbaio Zeng
Increased Maternal Autonomy During Midwife Assisted Home Births
Carlie Shupe and Christine Hober
The Effects of Bisphenol A on Plant A
Michelle Storey
Bonding through books behind bars: Reconnecting incarcerated mothers/grandmothers with children
April Terry and April Terry
Victim Services in Kansas: A Review and Future Suggestions
April Terry and April Terry
Prohibition in Kansas and German Migration
Ivan Tidwell and Juti Winchester
Impact of Player Age on Team Statistics in the National Football League
Stephen Tujague and Sam Schreyer
Weight Management in Rural Western Kansas Primary Care
Alicia Utley and Christine Hober
A Qualitative Study of High Substance Abuse Neighborhood in a Rural College Town
Conrad Vajnar, Ziwei Qi, and Morgan Steele
Improving Health Outcomes for Sexual Minorities Through Access
Michelle Van Der Wege and Mary Jo Gubitoso
VARK: Linking Teaching Strategies to Preferred Learning Styles
Michelle Van Der Wege
The Effects of Pet Therapy on Pediatric Patients with Autism
Tayler Wade and Christine Hober
Reduction of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries
Joshua Walker and David Fitzhugh
Twitter Politics: The Effect of Language and Source Credibility on Public Perception
Grace Wasinger and Brooke Mann
Developing Perfectly Matched Layer method to solve Heat Equation numerically
Richard Whitehill and Clifton D. Clark
High Altitude Balloon Cut-Down Circuit Research
Jin Seok Youn
Effects of the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) on Tropical Islands: Helpful or Harmful?
Sheena Zeng and Amber Michels
Development of a scanning algorithm
Yinuo Zhao and Hongbiao Zeng