SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Empirical Undergraduate


•This mixed-method study is a collaborative effort that draws on faculty expertise in marketing, tourism and communication. The study seeks to identify the consumer values and motivations implicated in the rise of microbreweries in the Midwest. Over the course of a few decades, craft beers have gained significant market share relative to large-scale commercial brands. The study aims to identify salient factors underlying the popularity of craft beers, taking into consideration both individual consumer preferences as well as how these intersect with socio-economic megatrends such as the “buy local” movement and agri-tourism. •The popularity of microbreweries is further evidenced in an increasing number of beer festivals and associated regional events. As these have become fixtures on annual calendars, additional questions regarding group affiliation and how it informs conceptions of self among craft beer enthusiasts’ demands exploring. Thus the proposed study further aims to shed light on social dimensions of these trends in a regional setting. Overall, results will not only fill gaps in knowledge concerning regional consumers, but will provide an understanding of shifting socio-cultural trends as reflected in the microbrewery movement at local levels.


Applied Business Studies

Submission Type

online only poster




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