SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Non-empirical Graduate


Special education funding and resources for schools are often limited and prevent inclusion of specialized sensory items. Litvinov (2015) argues the government has done a poor job of funding the special education initiative. Although the use of sensory materials has proven to be successful in reducing distress and improving self-soothing among youth (Novak, Scanlan, McCaul, MacDonald, & Clarke, 2012), many children with special needs receive only materials and resources districts are able to afford. While this lack of funding poses an issue for all districts, rural communities may be placed at an even greater disadvantage (Azano & Tackett, 2019). The proposed project seeks to incorporate sensory materials into a rural special education classroom to assess behaviors and benefits. Data will be gathered using a pre-posttest method to compare behavioral data charted by the school during the 2019/20 school year to the 2020/21 school year following implementation of sensory items. Specifically, data will be compared in the following areas: regulated behavior, disruptive behavior, aggressive behavior, and overall time of dysregulation. Future directions and implications for the project will be discussed.



Submission Type

online only poster




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