Psychology Master's Theses
Theses from 1976
Differential Reinforcement of Pro-Social Verbal Behaviors Versus Response Cost for Anti-Social Verbal Behaviors in a Token (Point) Economy System for Adolescents in a Group Care Home, Donald J. Strickler
Theses from 1975
The Factorial Measurement of Master's Level Functions in Mental Health Agencies, Lynn C. Bogart
Stimulus Control of Responding on a Variable Excursion Manipuladum, Bernard Stephen Brull
Experienced Control in the School Situation : Individualized Instruction Versus Traditional Group Instruction, Billy H. Clark
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Smoking and Anxiety Using the S-R Inventory of Anxiousness, Glenn C. Derrick
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Intelligence and Experienced Control, Michael L. Dey
Scheduling Effects of Self-Monitoring on Verbal Classroom Behavior, Thomas A. Hammeke
The Reduction in Aggressive Playground Behavior When Pupils Monitor and Reinforce Their Own Performance, Kathleen McDermott Hannafin
Relationship of Balanced Bilingualism and English Facility to the Intelligence Test Performance of Mexican-American Children, Jane Mary Harkness
The Effect of Environment Context Upon the Content of Early Recollections, Denzil D. Holness
A Measure of Experienced Control in Depressed and Suicidal Individuals, Nadine M. Leiker
Effects of Imitation, Reinforcement, and Concurrent Training in Increasing Speech in a Non-Verbal Child, John S. Petty
Further Investigation of the Mini-Mult on an Intensive Care Short-Term Psychiatric Unit, Terry Pfannenstiel
The Effects of Positive Reinforcement on the Post Treatment Frequency of a Response with a Baseline Rate Greater Than Zero, Maurice Shellhaas
The Effect of Vicarious Reinforcement on Inappropriate Behavior in an Elementary School Classroom, Joseph C. Witt
Theses from 1974
Comparative Techniques for the Control of a Hyperactive Child, Thomas C. Barrett
A Demonstration Project for Training Parents in the Use of Social Learning Techniques, Janis A. Chaffin
A Survey of Fort Hays Kansas State College Students' Attitudes Towards Three Local Helping Agencies, Quenton B. Clayton
The Effect of Different Instructional Sets on Sentence Completion Responses, Jacquelyn Rae Crist
The Enhancement of Social Reinforcement Effectiveness in a Schizophrenic Boy, Peggy J. Dey
An Investigation of the Item Stability of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (Mars) : A Study of the Individual and Group Reliability Components of the Mars, Michael J. Hannafin
Expectancy of Therapeutic Gain Using Systematic Desensitization with Public Speaking Anxiety, Robert Hemme
The Conditioning of Visual Stimuli Using Free Looking Time as the Dependent Measure, Leo P. Herrman
Token Reinforcement of Academic Performance in a Public School, R. Mark Huntley