Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to establish the validity of the Mini-Mult for the use with the population of psychiatric patients seen at the High Plains Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center. A group of 75 psychiatric patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care psychiatric inpatient unit were administered both the MMPI and Mini-Mult (MMPI short form). Group correspondence was relatively good, with correlations for both males and females being significant at least the .05 level on all scales. Student's t-tests showed significant differences for scales F and Pd for females and scales F, D, Hy, Pa, and Ma for males. The predictive utility of the Mini-Mult for making specific individual patient decisions based on MMPI data was not well supported. The results indicated that the Mini-Mult should not be used to replace the MMPI. It is felt, however, that the Mini-Mult can be used with caution as a screening device for general patient problem areas where the MMPI is not feasible.


People with disabilities, Behavior, Cooperation, Investigation, Evaluation, Analysis, Chi-square test


Dr. Ronald G. Smith

Date of Award

Summer 1975

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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