Psychology Master's Theses
Theses from 1980
Depression and Differential Metamemorial Processes, Ronald A. Speier
Evaluation of Courses/Instructors: Book Cost Information and Commitment, Gerald L. Stremel
Social Facilitation in an Elementary School Classroom: Mere Presence, Evaluation Apprehension, or Both, Rex T. Swihart
The Cohesiveness-Conformity Relationship Across Three Grade Levels in an Educational Setting, Steven J. Swihart
Effects of Differential Cognitive Effort and Depression in Question-Answering Situations, Jefferson D. Young
Theses from 1979
Will Self Monitoring Enhance the Pursuit of Self Established Goals in a Selfpaced Course?, Mary Jo Becker
The Effects of Individual Contingencies for Group Consequences in a Work Adjustment Facility, Carol J. Bottom
Labeling Effects as a Determinant of Personal Space, Omega Galliano
Esp Target Picture Retrieval : A Test of Honorton's Binomial Response Code in Assessing the Effects of Feedback, Barbara Giebel
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Fidgetometer Activity Levels and the Perceived Difficulty of Academic Tasks in Elementary School Children, Gerald L. Jones
Privileged Information : Subjects' Attitudes and Behavior, Kirk O'Hara
Life Problems and Interests of Adolescents: A Replication of Percival M. Symonds' 1936 Study, Patrick T. Rheaume
Semantic Satiation in a Word Pronunciation Task, John William, Shuart Jr.
Facial Recognition Accuracy as a Function of Depth of Processing and Age in Children, Lynda Taylor
The Effects of a Student's Physical Attractiveness and Name Popularity on Student Teacher Expectations as Inferred by Perceptual Ratings of Academic and Social Variables, Richard C. Tompkins
A Measure of Assertiveness by Males and Females in Same Sex and Mixed Sex Interactions, Jill E. Wieland
Theses from 1978
Environmental Antecedents of Ellis' Irrational Beliefs, David Ross Bowman
The Alcohol Use Inventory : A Validational Study, Erland E. Crupper
A Multivariate Investigation of Relationships Between Blood Chemistry and Psychometric Profiles, Malcolm P. Heard
Male Sexual Aggression-Female Passivity : Are We Reinforcing It?, Paul R. Horvath
The Effects of Different Directions on Ratings of Instructor-Course Evaluations, Carol Ann Kubancik
The Relationship Between Expected and Experienced Control and the Regulation of Skin Temperature Via Biofeedback, Denny E. Lee
The Effects of Public Display and Type of Public Display on Children's Spelling Behavior, Edgar M. Lowman
Identification, Referral, and Evaluation Process Leading to the Initial Diagnosis of the Educable Mentally Handicapped, Michael S. Melear
An Electromyographic Study of the Relation Between Muscular Tension and Performance on a Mental Task, Neva J. Merriman