Teacher Education Master's Theses

Teacher Education Master's Theses



Theses from 1936


A Comparison of The Content of Text Books In Geography In Relation To The Major Objectives To Be Obtained, Milo G. Stock

Theses from 1935


Supplementary Reading Materials For Primary Grades Based On Children's Reading Interests and On Natural and Factual Data Pertaining To Kansas, Miriam Picking

Theses from 1933


A Study of The Educational Program In Kansas In Relation To The State's Ability To Support Public Education, Glenn C. Archer


The History of Education In Kansas Since 1914, Charles H. Brooks


A Comparative Analysis of State Courses of Study In Character Education, Robert Burnett


State Legislation And State Board Rulings Relating To Superintendents of Schools, Carl A. Clark

Theses from 1932


A Study of The Relation of Achievement In Particular Fields In High School To Achievement In Particular Fields In College: Being A Study of 280 Freshmen Who Entered The Fort Hays Kansas State College In September, 1930, Ellsworth Dodrill


A Survey of The Teaching of Physical Education In Western Kansas, William McMullen


The Probable Efficiency of A Vocabulary Notebook In The Teaching of Latin Vocabulary, David L. Megill


A Comparison In The Efficiency of The Teaching of Arithmetic In Grades Four To Eight, Inclusive, In The Standard And Non-Standard, One-Room Rural Schools of Western Kansas, Roy Ernest Mohr


A Comparative Study of Pupils, Teachers, And Expenditures of Standard And Non-Standard One-Room Rural Schools of North-West Kansas., Myrtel Newbold


A Survey In The High Schools of Western Kansas On The Relation of Training And Experience of Teachers of Commercial Subjects To The Achievement of Pupils Enrolled In These Classes, Melvin Wilbur Torrey

Theses from 1930


The Executive Of The Consolidated Schools In Western Kansas, Alexander Vardaman Anderson