Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this study is to determine what the state Departments of Education have done to carry out definite programs in character education in elementary and secondary schools. This problem is limited to special courses of study in character education issued by certain State Departments of Education. According to the United States Bureau of Education at Washington, D. c., only six of the forty-eight states have prepared special courses of study in this field. In this study a comparative analysis is made of these courses of study as to character traits and objectives, methods of procedure in developing the desired objectives, and as to extent of thoroughness in which the subject is covered. The objectives and character traits of state courses in the various school subjects are not included in this analysis. Neither are the special courses of study for character education in the city school systems included.
Elementary education, Secondary education, Moral education, Concepts, Character education, Rural schools
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Spring 1933
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Burnett, Robert, "A Comparative Analysis of State Courses of Study In Character Education" (1933). Master's Theses. 218.
DOI: 10.58809/LBOU6472
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