Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Childhood education has made rapid advancement during the past quarter of a century. It is no longer considered by leading educators as something to be imposed from without, but is rather thought of as the gradual unfolding of life from within. This modern concept includes both the child and the subject matter to be taught. From the child's point of view such factors as innate ability, social traits, also the physical development as well as mental development, as well as mental development, serve as guides in setting up goals of achievement for the primary school grades. In the selection and organization of subject matters such factors as child nature, child interest and child experience as well as child growth enter into the picture. Several studies in research have been made which deal with some of these problems since they are of vital concern to the child and affect his school progress. Of primary importance in the beginning of education is the problem of selecting supplementary reading material for use in teaching reading in the primary grades, especially material which has local color and in which children have real interest. The specific problem of this thesis is the selection, organization, and compilation of material having a more or less direct association with the state of Kansas, and the use of this material in primary reading. The basic facts are to be drawn from pioneer and Indian life, folklore, nature study and myth as well as from the physical and geographic features of the State. The method or technique will no doubt reflect for the most part historic procedure, since these data are drawn from sources having direct association with the growth and development of the state. The organization of the thesis divides itself naturally into two major parts: first, the analytic; second, the synthetic. The analytic part pertains to a careful analysis of recent research studies made in children's reading interests, the content of certain primary readers now in use in schools and also through the use of personal opinion solicited from teachers and pupils. The synthetic part involves the use of local data compiled in written story. These stories are to be written for pupils at primary level through the use of vocabulary studies which have been found through a study of children of ages normally found in primary grades.
Selection of educational materials, Curriculum, Kansas--History, Elementary education, Reading, Literacy
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Spring 1935
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Picking, Miriam, "Supplementary Reading Materials For Primary Grades Based On Children's Reading Interests and On Natural and Factual Data Pertaining To Kansas" (1935). Master's Theses. 236.
DOI: 10.58809/TQZP3661
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