Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Since the findings of the Classical Investigation have been reported, makers of Elementary Latin Textbooks have, among other things, stressed basal Latin vocabulary and English words derived therefrom. As a means of achieving a mastery of a larger vocabulary, they often advise the teacher to require pupils to make and keep a vocabulary notebook. Particularly this is advised in the Ullman-Henry Elementary Latin texts which the writer has used for the past six years. Upon submitting to the publishers of the Ullman-Henry texts, the vocabulary notebook which he had developed in teaching these texts, the writer received the comment that no one was as yet convinced as to the form each notebook should take, nor that it really paid in terms of learning, to use one. Since the use of a vocabulary notebook in class entails no small amount of extra labor on the part of the teacher and the pupil, it seemed eminently worth while to attempt to discover whether or not pupils really do learn more vocabulary as a result of using a notebook. This attempt was begun in the fall of 1929 and finished in the spring of 1931.


Dr. Homer B. Reed

Date of Award

Spring 1932

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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