Biological Sciences Master's Theses
Theses from 1956
Winter Cover of Ring-Necked Pheasant, Phasianus Colochicus, in Ellis County, Kansas, Frank R. Henderson
Malaria, Theodore Jury
The Effects of Grazing On Relative Animal Populations in Wintertime, Guido E. Smith
A Study of Shoot, Root, and Rhizome Development of Western Wheatgrass (Agropyron Smithii), Ernest Snook
Theses from 1955
The Effects of Grazing and Trampling Upon Certain Soil Properties, George W. Knoll
The Pheasant and Hungarian Partridge As Exotic Game Birds, Fred Nimz
Top and Root Development of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron Cristatum) and Intermediate Wheatgrass (A. Intermedium) During The First Season, Marion P. Wheeler
Theses from 1954
Comparative Yields of Seven Native Grasses Growing in An Ungrazed Mixed Prairie, James W. Franks
Vegetation On A Mixed Prairie of West-Central Kansas, LeRay Stinemetze
Theses from 1953
Variations In Yield, Cover and Composition of Vegetation On A Mixed Prairie In West-Central Kansas, Harland Dietz
A Preliminary Study of The Morphological Changes In Cells Due To Cancer, Paul Dlabal
Forage Yield and Carbohydrate Content of Underground Parts of Grasses As Affected By Clipping, Floyd E. Kinsinger
An Investigation For Viable Seeds In The Surface Soils of Various Sites In A Mixed Prairie Near The Cedar Bluff Reservoir, Everett Schwartzkopf
Theses from 1952
Root and Top Development of Five Native Kansas Legumes From Seed To End of The First Season, Robert P. Gibbens
An Investigation For Varietal Differences of Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) Acutus (Say) (Homoptera, Cicadellidae), Charles Rassaert
A Study of Dental Fluorosis In The Vicinity of La Crosse, Kansas, Harold Keith Ritter
Theses from 1950
Rodent Populations and Activities On A Moderately Grazed Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, John L. Paulk
Theses from 1949
Stem Anatomy of Twelve Forbs of The Family Compositae Growing Near Hays, Kansas, Cheng Lin
Adequacy of The High School Science Vocabulary in Biology in Filling The Needs For Normal Reading of Popular Magazines, Clarence H. Stinemetze
Theses from 1948
The Ecology of A Pasture in The Dakota Sandstone Formation in Ellsworth County, Kansas, Byron O. Blair
The Construction Procedure of The Saline River Habitat Group in The Fort Hays Kansas State College Museum, William Raymond Eastman
Studies of Increment, Height-Weight, and Moisture Content of Important Western Kansas Grasses, John Launchbaugh
Theses from 1947
Effects On Different Intensities of Utilization Upon The Underground Parts of Short Grasses In West Central Kansas, Farrel Branson
Study of Viable Seeds In Surface Soil From Various Habitats In Ellis County, Kansas, Robert D. Lippert
A Descriptive Analysis of The Musculature And Osseous Systems of The Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys Ordii, Virgil Mathis
An Ecological Study of The Pocket Gopher In An Sandy Loam Area of Ellis County, Kansas., Benjamin Mosier
An Analytic Comparative Study of Certain Biology Textbooks Used At Secondary School Level, Joseph E. Rankin
Pastures of Western Kansas In Relation To Intensity of Utilization In Past Years, Gerald W. Tomanek
Theses from 1945
Bio-Ecology On A Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, H. Leo Brown
A Comparative Study Of Directed Laboratory And Lecture Demonstration As Methods Of Instruction In Teaching Botany To High School Students, M. Lucida Vorndran
Theses from 1944
The Utilization of Grasses and Forbs in Relation to The Intensity of Grazing in The Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, Noel Runyon
Theses from 1943
Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Wheat Starch In Relationship To The Maturity of The Wheat, Claude W. Bice
Theses from 1942
A Study of The Relationship Existing Between Certain Insects and Some Native Western Kansas Forbs and Weedy Plants, Carl Theodore Brandhorst
A Study of Fluctuations In Coyote Numbers and Possible Causes, Sherwin B. Griswold
The Effect of Climate and Different Grazing and Dusting Intensities Upon The Yield of The Short Grass Prairies In West Central Kansas, Marvin L. Lacey
Theses from 1941
Theses from 1940
An Analysis of Seed Production of Native Kansas Grasses During The Drought of 1939, Lester R. Branson
The Effect of Clipping and Weed Competition Upon The Spread of Pasture Grass Seedlings, Cecil L. Hase
The Life History and Habits of Buffalo Grass, John J. Webb
Theses from 1939
A History of The Changes In Population of Certain Mammals In Western Kansas, Floyd L. Carter
A Study of The Structure of Hair As A Means of Mammal Identification, Earl R. Oyer
A Study of The Variations In The Growth of Blue Grama Grass From Seed Produced In Various Sections of The Great Plains Region, Andrew Riegel
Theses from 1938
Studies In Breaking The Rest Period of Grass Plants By Treatments With Potassium Thiocyante and In Stimulating Growth With Artificial Light, Harold R. Shepherd
Theses from 1936
The Flora of The Tasco Lake Region, Sheridan County, Kansas, Raymond W. Darland
Theses from 1935
Notes On The Distribution of Amphibia and Reptilia of Ellis County, Kansas, Lawrence A. Brennen
Theses from 1933
An Analysis of The Habitat Distribution of The Vertebrate Fauna of A Stream- Bank Association In Western Kansas, Olive Falls
Theses from 1931
The Botany Laboratory, Saylor John Neher