Psychology Master's Theses
Theses from 1983
Self-Consciousness, Self-Awareness and Ambiguous Figure Reversal Rates, Kayla S. Plume
Theses from 1982
Sociability of Animals as a Potential Influence on the Results of Social Facilitation Studies, David L. Breault
The Relationship Between the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (Ppvt-R) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (Wisc-R), Steven E. Davis
Moral Reasoning and Personality Variables in Relation to Moral Behavior, Stephen R. Drass
A Comparison of a Rural and Urban Children's Mental Health Clinic Population, Barbara Giebel
Master's-Level Clinical Training: A Ten Year Appraisal, Joseph R. Guydish
A Study of Fantasy: Determinants of Fantasy Function and Content, Brent L. Halderman
A Comparison of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (Wais-R) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (Ppvt-R) with Mentally Handicapped Adults, Frank A. Lygrisse
Endorphins as the Mediator of Learned Helplessness, Patrick R. Meier
A Survey of Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes About Epilepsy, Andrew L. Meyer
The 'Aha' Experience of Comprehension and its Relation to Memory, Diana Rankin
The Effects of Auditory Distraction on Intelligence Test Performance, Terry Roberts
Aggression, Personality and Choice of Sport Participation, Leslie Salisbury
Disengagement and the Chronic Alcoholic, Vaughn R. Trollman
Wisc-R and Wisc Subtest Scatter in a Clinical Population, Daniel Lee Ullman
Parenting Skills Training for Credit and Non-Credit: Effects on Knowledge and Attitude, Susan Ann Werth
Theses from 1981
An Investigation of Eidetic Imagery in Aged Subjects, Linda K. Bieker
Prejudice Towards Interracial Pairs : Race or Belief Dissimilarity, David M. Bowman
Multidimensional Scaling of Nonclient Preferences About Psychotherapy, Bob A. Campbell
A Comparison of Experienced Control in Learning Disabled and Normal Adolescents, Judith Dorzweiler
The Effects of Emg Biofeedback and Emg Assisted Relaxation Training on Handwriting Quality, Larry Michael Garrett
Lateral Eye Movements and Hemispheric Asymmetry, John L. Graham
The Effects of Neutering on Pre-Puberal and Post-Puberal Male Dogs, Mark W. Hauptman
Prediction of Smoking Treatment Outcomes Using Vascular Response, Walter Hill
Sensation-Seeking Among College Varsity Athletes, Jeff W. Horlacher