Psychology Master's Theses
Theses from 1986
Personality and Problem Solving : The Effect of Cognitive Factors and Information Availability on Planning, Scanning, Verification and Decision Quality, Eugene P. O'Brien
The Effects of Music on Stress and Pain Tolerance During Lamaze Natural Childbirth: Toward a More Efficient Music Assisted Childbirth Technique, Susan Collins Peach
A Comparison of Young and Elderly Performance Using the Directed Forgetting Paradigm, Mike C. Spencer
Theses from 1985
Hemispheric Specialization for Emotion : An Eeg Study of Covert Mental Activity, Deborah Abraham
A Test of Three Models of Avoidance Behavior with Test Anxiety, Ronald T. Berg
The Effects of Therapist Assertiveness and Gender on Non-Client Expectations, Linda D. Blowey
The Relationship Between Altruism and Dishonesty as Determined by Appearance, Location, Monetary Value, and Sex, Dana J. Fuller
Gender Differences in Children's Expression and Control of Fantasy Aggression, Sheila C. Hasch
Behavior Change Through Relaxation Training with Kindergarten Children, Bernard L. Kruse
Lateral Eye Movements, Hemispheric Asymmetry and Gender Differences: A Replication, Susan Ann Schilling
The Relationship Between Date of Birth and Date of Death in Rural Western Kansas, Cody G. Sparks
Theses from 1984
Some Factors Effecting [Sic] the Reversing of Ambiguous Figures, John Beer
The Relationship Between Purpose in Life, Seeking of Noetic Goals, Sensation Seeking and Boredom, Charalambos Constantinos Cleanthous
Helping Behavior: The Effects of Stress, Commonality of Fate, and Gender, Shelly R. Hayden
Perceptions of Solicited Versus Unsolicited Self-Disclosure, Renee M. Hund
Relationships Between Burnout and Variables Presumed to Prevent or Alleviate Burnout, Stephen A. Jordan
The Relationship of Meaning in Life with Measures of Interpersonal Functioning, Donna Olson
Possible Effects of Videogames on Aggressive Behavior in Children, Roxanne Rauschnot
The Effects of Induced Mood on Curiosity in College Students, James R. Rodrigue
Anticipated Post-Intercourse Mood Expectations, and Clinical Characteristics as a Function of Virginity Status and Gender of Subject, Andrew Schechterman
Theses from 1983
The Relationship Between Intelligence, Creativity, and Length of Time for Placement in Classrooms for the Educable Retarded, John H. Basham Jr.
Aha-I See! : Effects of Pictorially Cued Insight Across the Adult Lifespan, Kay Gobin
Questionnaire Measures of Aggression: Gender and Level of Sports Ability, Jay M. Mann
Relationships Between Clergy and Mental Health Workers in a Rural Area, Max Meschberger
The Development of Perceptual Rigidity in Children, Julie Neutzman