Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The present investigation was directed at determining the relationship between the Self-Disclosure Questionnaire (a measure of reported disclosure by the rater) and the Interpersonal Check List (operationally defined as a measure of other disclosures to the rater). Twenty-five male and twenty-five female college students were selected from the General Psychology classes at Fort Hays Kansas State College. They were administered the S-D Q, the ICL and as a test of defensiveness the K-Scale questions taken from the MMPI. Mother, Father, a Male Friend, and a Female Friend were the “others” rated on both the ICL and the S-D Q; the Self was rated on the ICL at the same time. Correlation Coefficients were computed. Those coefficients reaching significance were: combined “other” scores on both instruments for the male Ss, ratings of mother and ratings of Father for the male Ss and for the sexes combined, ratings of Self and total S-D Q for the male Ss, and for the female Ss a negative and significant coefficient was found for the Self and K-Scale scores. The results from the t-tests indicated that there was no significant difference between the sexes on either the S-D Q or the ICL total scores. A finding that males in this investigation were higher total disclosers than the females is in direct opposition to other reported findings. The results indicated that the relationship between the S-D Q and the ICL is approaching curvilinearity. Areas in need of investigation as suggested by the obtained results are: the role of the father figure in Midwestern families, the role of the psychological investigator as a discloser to the Ss, and disclosure in samples other than college students.
Testing, Students, Psychology, Disclosure--ethics, Interpersonal relations, Behavior, Men, Women
Landon Crocker Peoples
Date of Award
Spring 1965
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Albott, Bill L., "An Exploratory Investigation in the Area of Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Behavior" (1965). Master's Theses. 890.
DOI: 10.58809/KSNY6144
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