Master's Theses


Political Science

Degree Name

Master of Liberal Studies (MLS)


Probation and Parole Officers [*] supervise all types of criminal offenders, often encountering dangerous situations in the course or their employment. The question of whether or not probation and parole officers should carry weapons for protection while on duty has arisen many times over the last several decades. Three central issues continue to be debated: philosophy, safety and liability. This study was initiated to provide current information on the subject of arming probation and parole officers. It begins with a literature review of the topic, followed by the results of a survey administered to law enforcement and probation officers in the State of Kansas. The survey results reveal that there does indeed seem to be a strong relationship between the issues of philosophy, safety and liability. Further research is needed in order to truly understand that relationship. *[Though probation and parole officers are distinct and have different roles, for the purposes of this study they will be grouped together. The terms, “probation and parole” and “probation/parole” will be used].


Arthur Morin

Date of Award

Summer 2009

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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