Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The present study examined what factors contribute to students experiencing supportive, positive relationships with their teachers. The study assessed teachers’ perceptions (n=37) of randomly selected kindergarten through third grade students (n=146). Students that were selected did not have Individualized Education Plans. All teacher participants completed the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, Early School Behavior Rating Scale-Teacher, and Teacher Efficacy Scale (Short Form) to examine the association between class size, student-teacher relationships, student behavior, and teacher efficacy. Results indicated that (a) students who attended larger classes (17-24 students) had a greater relationship with their teachers and better school behavior than those who attended small classes (12-16 students), (b) students with fewer behavior problems had a greater relationship with their teachers than those students with more behavior problems, (c) teacher efficacy did not significantly predict the quality of student-teacher relationships, (d) class size and behavior problems interacting together did not significantly affect student-teacher relationships, and (e) class size did not significantly relate to levels of teacher efficacy. Implications were discussed regarding future research and application to classrooms.
School Psychology
Janett Naylor
Date of Award
Spring 2008
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Scott, Aaron D., "Factors Affecting Student-Teacher Relationships in Early Education Classrooms" (2008). Master's Theses. 3077.
DOI: 10.58809/SRUV7016
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