Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


It has long been theorized that self-concept and self-esteem have an affect on achievement in school, especially in children with problems in learning such as those with specific learning disabilities. Many studies have been done looking at the effects of self-concept on achievement. Problems exist, though, in that a specific model of self concept is rarely used, homogeneous sample populations are difficult to develop, and the scales used to measure self-concept many times measure variables other than self-concept. Self-concept has been seen to be a multifaceted construct and, as such, different concepts may exist for academics, peers, parents, and physical attributes. In the present study, Shavelson's hierarchical model of self-concept was used as a base from which to measure the general self- concepts and academic se lf-concepts of 22 learning disabled and 27 regular education students in grades three through five. The Self Description Questionnaire, a scale based on the hierarchical model of self-concept, was used as the instrument to measure the level of academic and general self-concepts between the two groups. The results from the present study reveal no significant differentiation between academic self-concept of children with learning disabilities and children without learning disabilities. No significant results were found between the groups in terms of general self-concept.


David Williamson

Date of Award

Fall 1990

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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