Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this thesis is to present the following specific facts regarding music education in the State of Kansas. (1) To survey the general status of music in the senior high schools of Western Kansas; (2) To ascertain the professional preparation and teaching experience of the music teachers in these schools; (3) To make a survey of the teaching load of the music teacher; (4) To learn the equipment of the music departments; (5) To study the finance and financing of the music departments; (6) To survey the music courses of the senior high schools; (7) To learn of the music activities; (8) To compare the status of music education in Western Kansas with the music education as outlined by the different state courses of study, and; (9) To aid in bringing about a reorganization of the music departments of the schools of Western Kansas and show the need for music in the high schools of Kansas and especially those of Western Kansas.
Secondary education, Teacher preparedness, Teacher education, Teacher qualifications, Funding for the arts, School finance
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Spring 1932
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Horn, William Robert, "A Study of Music Education In The Senior High Schools of Western Kansas" (1932). Master's Theses. 207.
DOI: 10.58809/FFPT2625
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