Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This is a study of the comparison of the three-point stance and the four-point stance in football relative to starting times for five yards. This study is being done to determine which stance is the best for interior lineman to use. The study should provide scientific information pertinent to the issue of which stance will provide the quicker start. The purpose of this study was to compare the speed of the three- point stance end the four- point stance to determine which stance was superior in regard to the speed of movement of the interior linemen over a distance of five yards. There is a lack of scientific evidence as to which stance is the best to use. Coaches select one stance or the other on personal preference rather than scientific information. This study should assist in providing scientific information pertinent to the issue of which stance will provide the quicker start for the interior lineman. The sub-problems of the study were to determine the following: (1) Which stance produced the greater amount of speed For Five yards charging straight ahead, and (2) Which stance produced the greater amount of speed for five yards charging at an angle of 45 degrees left end at an angle of 45 degrees right.


Russell Bogue

Date of Award

Summer 1971

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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