Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The development of the formal qualities of a work of art takes place in the feelings of the artist, and it is only through our feelings that we are able to truly observe them. The presentation of a piece is not enough; as an artist I feel that the visual observation without a response is worse than a negative reaction. Simple observation alone is a failure to perceive feelings; without reaction, positive or negative, one's feeling for a piece have yet to be touched and perception is soon lost. In my work, I strive to achieve feelings. I release my own, attempting to use visual signs to convey ideas and emotional experiences. Although I enjoy the procedures involved in the production of the piece and even if I am satisfied with the piece, I hesitate to accept the results unless others react. Without a reaction, I question whether I have conveyed my feelings or developed any for the observer, and the possibilities of further involvement are retarded. I am not saying that every art piece should be an intellectual problem revolving around one central theme; rather that in order for my work to be successful, feelings should be generated.


Dale Ficken

Date of Award

Fall 1971

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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