Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This experiment examined the effects of sex and degree of hurry on helping behavior. Three levels of hurry and all possible helper-victim sex pairs were included. Six volunteers served as confederates for each of the experimental sessions. Six subjects, paired with the confederates by pre-arrangement, were instructed to complete varying amounts of a letter-cancel task within a ten minute time period. Confederates received more work than any subject, thus constituting the experimental victims. They were instructed to request help from their subject part way through the task. Frequency of helping, defined as the subject's agreement to complete the confederate's task before finishing his own work, was evaluated by analysis of variance. No significant overall effects due to sex or hurry were observed. However, results revealed a significant interaction between the variables of sex and degree of hurry.
Testing, Mental states, Women, Men, Fort Hays State University, Students, Ellis County (Kan.), Behavior
Dr. James P. James
Date of Award
Spring 1972
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Heintzelman, Elsa B., "Effects of Sex and Degree of Hurry on Helping Behavior" (1972). Master's Theses. 1351.
DOI: 10.58809/CYIT1809
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