Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A study was conducted on the Saline River to investigate the effect of water level fluctuations on the movement of channel catfish. Sampling stations were set along a 15-mile stretch of the river. Monel metal strap tags were attached to the opercle. Recaptured fish showed no signs of tags being lost. Seines, baited hoop nets, and an electrofishing apparatus were used to capture the fish. The hoop nets were the most successful gear. Most catfish were caught from early spring through mid- summer with a peak in capture rate during the spawning season. Water level fluctuations and temperature appeared to have no effect on movement. The fish generally moved short distances, although the maximum distance recorded was over 30 miles. The recapture rate was 16.2%. Over half of the tagged fish were recaptured within two weeks from date of release.


T. L. Wenke

Date of Award

Summer 1970

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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