Volume 4, Number 2 (2008) Journal of Business & Leadership
Cover and Front Matter
Self-Marketing Plans: Creating Career Embedded Education & Reinforcing Marketing Concepts
Christina McCale, Richard Delliveneri, and Lynne Montrose
Streamlining Rich Media Communications In A Non-Profit organization: Making Meetings Meaningful
Dennis C. Rittle
Service Learning: Assessing Student Outcomes In A Strategic Management Class
Lisa C. Lindley and Noreen Buhrnann
Level of Existence & Leadership Style - Is There A Correlation?
Nicole A. Roberson
A Study of Supportive Climate, Trust, Engagement and organizational Commitment
Larry W. Hughes, James B. Avey, and Steven M. Norman
Countervailing Forces Affecting Japanese Telework Behavior
Gundars Kaupins and Kengo Usui
R & D: Allocation: Reliability Vs. Customer Cost
Richard T. Gretz, Jannett Highfill, and Robert C. Scott
Infusion of Popular Culture: A Catalytic Approach To Developing Critical Thinking In Undergraduate Leadership Students
Anthony C. Andenoro and Stacy D. Ward