Teacher-Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University
There is an old aphorism—commonly attributed to Mark Twain, though there is little evidence he ever wrote or said such a thing—that what is dangerous to us is not what we do not know, but that which we think we know that just is not so. We might also say, from a societal perspective, that our deepest problems are not the great political disputes that periodically erupt in our media, but precisely those issues that do not produce debate. Beneath that placid exterior can lurk deep problems. It is just that sort of unspoken issue that John Marsh considers in Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way Out of Inequality. Despite broad political consensus that education is the key to solving our labor woes, Marsh argues, we in fact cannot expect more or better education to fix our economy.
Recommended Citation
deBoer, Fredrik
"John Marsh. Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way out of Inequality,"
Teacher-Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University: Vol. 6, Article 5.
DOI: 10.58809/WXIN2842
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