Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the relationship of color to form in oil painting. Form has several meanings, so it must be stated that in this thesis, the word form is used to describe the various shapes within the picture plane. Color, therefore, has been used in relation to these forms. Forms suggest colors, and colors cause new forms to emerge; therefore, color and form have become harmonious and have nearly become as one, each one relying on the other for the success of the painting. It must be stressed that the other elements--line, texture, space, shape--have not been neglected, for all of these facors are important if the paintin is to achieve a unity.
Color, Abstract works, Creative ability, Methods, Fort Hays State University, Oil paintings
Eugene Harwick
Date of Award
Summer 1966
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Kuchar, Kathleen A., "Color in Relation to Form" (1966). Master's Theses. 994.
DOI: 10.58809/ZWPQ4074
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