Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Art is a philosophy as well as a craft. A basic premise of the philosophy of art is that a work must infer a content more significant than a mere display of technical competence. Significance is defined as form that is the visual manifestation of ideas important to the existence of man. Too often, the art of our times reflects only a visually stimulating style or a careless accidental forming of materials for form's sake alone. These expressions executed in levity are short lived and will end upon the rubbish heap of triviality. Art at its highest level is the intentional manipulation of materials into meaningful and significant forms reflecting the noblest ideals of man. It is with these thoughts that this thesis is dedicated to the expression of a personal humanistic philosophy of life visualized in sculptural form. Of all the various art mediums and direct ions in which art has taken form, sculpture has historically been least affected by levity. Sculpture by the very nature of its three-dimensional limitations precludes illusions of painters' depth through tone and value, precludes broad compositional latitudes, and, precludes multiplicity and intricacy of parts. A sculptural work by necessity must remain an entity unto itself. Because of this limitation, sculpture must be composed of ideas worthy of being stated if it is to have any lasting significance. It is with full awareness of these limitations that the media of sculpture were chosen for thesis study. The thesis problem was further limited to the study of the human image.


Dr. Joel C. Moss

Date of Award

Spring 1965

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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