Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This research was designed to investigate the relationships between intelligence, personality variables, and creativity. Forty-three males and twenty-seven females in general psychology classes at Fort Hays State College served as subjects. The Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and Guilford's Southern California Tests of Intellectual Abilities were administered. Correlations were computed between all variables. Data analysis revealed that a positive correlation exists between intelligence and creativity with little difference in the magnitude of correlations between males and females. Hypochondriasis and Hysteria correlated positively with creativity. Several of Guilford's sub-tests were found to correlate significantly with various personality variables. Sex differences on the creativity tests were found to be insignificant.
Students, Fort Hays State University, Ellis County (Kan.) Mental states, Behavior, Creative ability, Testing
Dr. Jerry L. Harper
Date of Award
Summer 1965
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Hinzman, John Lewis, "A Correlational Study of MMPI Nonaptitude Traits and Guilford's Southern California Tests of Intellectual Abilities" (1965). Master's Theses. 922.
DOI: 10.58809/MANS5884
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