Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
A stacked turbidite channel was interpreted from 3D seismic data acquired in the Niger Delta off the west coast of Africa. In offshore environments, such as the Niger Delta, submarine canyons provide a conduit for currents to transport large sediment loads to form stacked turbidites. Turbidite channels are typically convoluted deposits and contain sands that are potential reservoir targets of hydrocarbon exploration. The internal characteristics of these turbidites are often complex and difficult to interpret accurately. This study characterizes the morphology of a stacked turbidite deposit by describing key features that are commonly found in turbidite channels, including: channel sinuosity, facies, repeated cutting and filling, and stacking patterns. These ubiquitous components of deepwater deposits are important for efficient reservoir characterization and can be resolved in most seismic data sets. The presence of shale diapirs in the Niger Delta Complex complicates the interpretation of channel morphology and potential reservoir areas. By interpreting the channel�s key features it was determined that the channel is highly sinuous and has been cut off in several sections forming oxbows. Channel fill is highly variable, but most likely consists of four main facies: basal lags, slumps, high net to gross stacked channels, and low net to gross channel levees. Subchannels present in the data are commonly stacked in vertical and lateral patterns. Also, through attribute analysis three potential reservoirs were identified and recommended as drilling targets.
Niger, delta, seismic, Turbidite, attribute
Dr. Hendratta Ali
Date of Award
Summer 2013
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Luna, Anthony, "3D Seismic Analysis and Characterization of a Stacked Turbidite Channel: Niger Delta Complex" (2013). Master's Theses. 90.
DOI: 10.58809/EFYP8533
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