Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


As new technologies have become available to facilitate online writing tutorials, university Writing Centers have begun to use these technologies to better serve online students. WPAs now face new difficulties serving remote student and faculty populations, whose native language may not be English, through interactive online tutorials across international borders. Determining the best practices and technologies for real-time, interactive tutorials and implementing these practices are issues that have not been given much attention in recent scholarship, but are vital to best serve growing international campuses. There are a few key concerns with ESOL tutoring that must be addressed when considering the implementation of real-time, interactive online tutoring; for example, comprehension of oral English becomes a major problem during online sessions. However with the help of truly integrated technologies students can not only see and hear the tutor, but these technologies also allow a platform for written communication and modeling. Other very real concerns with real-time, interactive online tutorials are fiscal hardships of universities and the faculty and tutor training with the new technologies. By utilizing low-cost, sometimes free, online tutoring platforms, universities can achieve a truly interactive, revenue neutral OWL. Furthermore, despite the time required to train faculty and tutors, the training offers an opportunity for growth in Writing Center theory and online pedagogy. The current study examines the feasibility of developing revenue neutral online writing tutorials for international students studying at international branch campuses. Preliminary data shows that less than half of US universities hosting international branch campuses currently coordinate with or offer online tutoring to the students on these campuses. With the mounting pressure to ensure quality across international borders, it is clear that there is a growing population of under-served students on international campuses. Writing Center Directors and WPAs must use the technologies available and train culturally sensitive tutors to serve these students.


Dr. Carol Poster

Date of Award

Summer 2014

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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