Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The question, should athletic coaches be required to have basic qualifications, has been a very controversial one for a number of years. With the increased knowledge of youth and better education methods, has come the certification of instructors in other fields. Along with this has progressed the idea that athletic coaches should have sane type of basic requirements, because they have as their responsibility the health and welfare of our youth for a number of hours almost daily. Due to the shortage of teachers in Kansas, people in the education 2 and coaching fields have been rather reluctant to enforce any requirements for athletic coaches, therefore in many instances an instructor is hired for classroom teaching and if he has any knowledge of a sport, he is also given the job of coaching athletics. The administrators hire instructors, but the instructors are more apt to be fired for poor coaching than for poor classroom work. Athletic coaching demands more than a vague knowledge of a. sport. To be an athletic coach, a person should have at least a knowledge of the fundamentals and theory of the sport he is to coach, and also a working knowledge of how to prevent injuries and how to take care of them in case they should happen. How can a coach prepare himself in the aforementioned way? By completing a physical education major is one way. Many high school coaches of athletics in the state of Kansas have completed a physical education major or minor even thou hit is not required. The author, a physical education graduate student and a future coach, has undertaken this study in an attempt to find out whether the athletic coaching profession is a recognized profession which demands well trained and high caliber personnel and also has set standards for entrance, or is it a pseudo profession . Is there only a deceptive resemblance between the coaching profession and a bonafide profession? It would follow, that if there are no definite standards which must be met to enter the field, then coaching as a profession has only a deceptive resemblance and does not represent a bonafide profession. The men 3 entering the coaching profession surely need some type of qualifications, if they are to up- grade the profession and make their contributions to society.


Dr. Don Adee

Date of Award

Spring 1957

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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