Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this investigation was to prepare and investigate the composition and properties of some iodine derivatives of halogen substituted phenols. Because of the limited time available, and because of the difficulty in obtaining materials, this investigation was limited to the ortho and para halogenated phenols. In addition, the reactions and properties of ortho and para substituted compounds are usually more similar to each other than to those of the meta isomers. Compounds which were iodinated were: o-chlorophenol, p-chlorophenol, o-bromophenol, p-bromophenol, and o-iodophenol. The remaining compounds of the series, p-iodophenol, o-fluorophenol and p-fluorophenol were not available for use. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to prepare p-iodophenol from the diazonium salt obtained from p-a.minophenol. : Melting points of the products, and, as far as possible, the composition and isomeric arrangements, were determined. The determination of phenol coefficients was left for an investigator who has had experience in bacteriology.
Bacteriology, Germicidal, Bactericidal, Iodine, Atoms, Chemistry, Investigation
Dr. Harold S. Choguill
Date of Award
Spring 1951
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Abernathey, Robert M., "An Investigation of Some Iodine Derivatives of Ortho and Para Halogenated Phenols" (1951). Master's Theses. 466.
DOI: 10.58809/POFB6658
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