Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this research is to portray the beginning, later growth, decline, and present status of a colony near Bogue, Kansas. The colony in question is the Nicodemus Colony. The motive lying back of the problem is to present the development of this colony in order that people regardless of race, may learn of the trials and tribulations the Negro pioneers lived through in this colony in Graham County. Values in studies of this character are as follows: first, the story should be preserved as a contribution to the history of western Kansas and to the state as a whole; second, the promotion of a better understanding and realization of the relationships involved between races and the part which education plays in refining these relationships. Peoples [sic] of different races make up communities in many places. Since this is true, it is imperative that they understand each other better. A third value suggested is this, the study brings together in compact form a large amount of carefully assembled, reliable information, about this colony otherwise found in scattered periodicals, newspapers, public records, and correspondence. * This thesis includes photographs of residents and maps of Graham County.


Dr. Robert T. McGrath

Date of Award

Summer 1943

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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