Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The history of the Haviland Community has never been written and some of it is now impossible to compile because the county records and the files of the early Haviland newspapers were destroyed by fire, the former in 1911 and the latter in 1916. Many early settlers have been called to their eternal home and those who survive were quite young when the first settlement was made. Nevertheless from scattered records and from survivors who have first hand knowledge of the early settlement it has been possible to reconstruct a somewhat incomplete account of the Haviland Community. Most of the history has been obtained in interviews with the older settlers who have been very interesting and helpful. There will be a few events that some may disagree with but in most controversial [sic] events I have tried to get two or more persons to validate the ones that are most likely to be questioned. Other source materials have been derived from the files of the Kiowa County Historical Society, Newspaper files, Minutes from the Monthly Meetings of the Prairie Flower and Haviland Friends Churches and Manuscripts.


Dr. Raymond L. Welty

Date of Award

Summer 1942

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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