Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this study was to examine self-esteem as a moderator of attachment styles (i.e., avoidant, anxious, or secure) and its associated impact on the number of sexual partners an individual has had in their lifetime. Previous literature has found that an individual’s level of self-esteem affects a person’s number of sexual partners. Studies have also been conducted examining the correlation between attachment styles and number of sexual partners, finding that those with an insecure attachment style, namely anxious or avoidant attachment, tend to have more sexual partners. While previous literature has examined these factors separately, this study aimed to examine self-esteem as a moderator of attachment style on the number of sexual partners an individual has. In doing so, we may determine if self-esteem may predict when attachment styles influence decisions regarding the number of sexual partners. The sample for this work consisted of 300 participants who completed surveys assessing levels of self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) and attachment style (Revised Adult Attachment Scale - Close Relationships Version). Participants were also asked to respond to a question pertaining to the number of sexual partners they have had in their lifetime. We hypothesized that: (1) avoidantly attached individuals would report a higher number of sexual partners when self-esteem is low, (2) anxiously attached individuals would report a higher number of sexual partners when selfesteem is low, and (3) securely attached individuals would report a lower number of sexual partners when self-esteem is high. Using a moderation analysis, hypotheses one and three were not supported while hypothesis two was partially supported. These results can be used to further understand variables pertaining to hookup culture, as well as provide clinicians with information to help them further create treatment plans pertaining to self-esteem and/or attachment.
Keywords: self-esteem, attachment style, sexual partners, attachment theory
Hookup culture, Sex, Development
Dr. Whitney Whitaker
Date of Award
Spring 2024
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Kinderknecht, Dezerae, "Examining Self-Esteem as a Moderator of Attachment and Multiple Sexual Partners" (2024). Master's Theses. 3244.
DOI: 10.58809/JVSZ9093
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