Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The present day trends in education seem to indicate the desirability of its becoming more and more a socialized education. This trend will no doubt have a more significant bearing on some subjects or studies in the school curriculum than on other subjects. The Kansas public elementary schools have recently adopted a Unit Program in School Studies, which includes history, civics, geography, science, and hygiene in an attempt to contribute better to the socialized idea. This Unit Program, however, does not make direct provision for English, spelling, arithmetic, and penmanship .Naturally, perhaps, comes the question to many teachers of why these subjects, too, were not included in the Unit Program for the State. Perhaps they do not lend themselves readily to the Unit Plan of teaching , or it may be that because of the nature of their content greater achievement can be had by following the textbook plan of teaching .Questions of this type and others have kindled the imagination and thinking of the writer until he finally chose the following specific problem for investigation and study “Which instructional plan of material of teaching arithmetic to seventh and eighth grade pupils is the better--the unit plan or the textbook plan?”


Dr. Robert T. McGrath

Date of Award

Summer 1940

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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