Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
I-D orientation is a personality characteristic that refers to the extent to which individuals compensate for uncertainty in their environment. Those who compensate more are termed delayed-return individuals whereas those who compensate less are termed immediate return individuals. This study examined the relationship between I-D orientation among undergraduate students and preference for and engagement in hierarchical or egalitarian behaviors while in small groups with undefined power distribution. Because immediate-return societies (such as some indigenous African tribes) are largely based on egalitarianism and equality, it is expected that immediate-return individuals would prefer more egalitarian relationships. The l-D orientation of each student was determined and their behaviors while in a three-person debate group were both self-rated and externally-rated to determine any shifting towards hierarchical or egalitarian relationships. Based on data from the external raters, a significant relationship between I-D orientation and an individual’s shifting towards egalitarianism and transitive dominance was found. These results support the notion that immediate-return individuals favor and behave in egalitarian ways, even though they themselves are not aware of these behaviors.
Kaira Hayes
Date of Award
Spring 2007
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Egert, David D., "I-D Orientation as a Predictor of Preference for Transitive Hierarchy and Egalitarianism in Human Social Groups" (2007). Master's Theses. 3024.
DOI: 10.58809/CXFJ4281
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