Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Online social networking is a growing trend that has been studied little. Technology is allowing for several new methods of communication, including e-mail, instant messaging and social networking. This study investigates how online communication technology is utilized by college students with varying levels of apprehension about communication via a computer. Based on previous research, two research questions were posed and one hypothesis was tested: RQ1: What online communication technologies will college students report using the most frequently? RQ2: What relationship will be found between computer-mediated communication apprehension and online social networking? H1: Participants with high levels of computer-mediated communication apprehension will utilize instant messaging and e-mail less than participants with low levels of computer-mediated communication apprehension. Results revealed that e-mail was the most frequently used communication technology and that participants with high computer-mediated communication apprehension spent more time social networking and instant messaging than participants with low computer-mediated communication apprehension.


Carol Haggard

Date of Award

Spring 2007

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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