Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


3-D seismic data were collected in a mature oil producing area ½ mile east of Catherine, Kansas. The study area, located approximately ten miles south of Bemis-Shutts oil field, encompasses 960 acres and contains 31 producing wells. Since 1948, wells within the study area have produced approximately 2.5 million barrels of oil form the Landsing-Kansas City groups and the Arbukle. 3-D data were acquired using Vibrosels1 with sweep frequencies of 20-128 Hz. Geophone and source intervals of 165 feet resulted in bin sizes of 82.5 x 82.5 feet. Data were processed using a standard processing flow, including: spiking deconvolution, stacking, migration, and static corrections. Interpretation of the migrated 3-D volume identified high-angle normal basement faulting. Basement uplift resulted in differential erosion of the Arbuckle surface exposing different units at the sub-Pennsylvanian unconformity. Faults also acted as conduits for vertical fluid movement enhancing karstification, resulting in collapse and sagging of the Lansing-Kansas City groups. Karst collapse and sagging of Middle Pennsylvania units created distinct productive plateaus within the study area. In addition, #-D interpretation identified numerous small dolines that modified the plateaus but were into genetically related to basement kinematics. Interpretation also identified several possible development drillsites.


Ken Neuhauser

Date of Award

Spring 2005

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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