Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to investigate aggression in different cultural contexts, gender differences, and antisocial behavior in preschool children. There is little research on the development of aggression. Yet, there is evidence that suggests that, on average, aggression peaks at approximately the age of two (Tremblay, 2000). Studies of physical aggression prior to age six are rare, but what little evidence does exist suggests that humans become aggressive as soon as they have the physical capacity to do so (Tremblay et al., 1999). Numerous studies have focused on gender differences in aggression and antisocial behavior and have generally shown elevated rates in boys as compared to girls. Such differences relate to verbal (relational) as well as physical (overt) aggression: and occur across cultures (Parke & Slaby, 1983). The participants for this study were recruited from Head Start Programs and preschools around Central and Southwest Kansas. Teachers were asked to complete The Behavior Assessment System for Children on randomly selected students. Significant correlations indicated that children who were displaying signs of over aggression are also showing signs of anxiety, depression, attention problems and withdrawal (antisocial) behaviors. These children were also having problems developing their social skills. Gender and cultural differences are also examined, but there were no significant differences found.


Carol L. Patrick

Date of Award

Spring 2004

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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