Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Research was conducted using 124 female college students and 50 male college students from a small, Midwestern university. The present study was conducted to look at the relations among the concepts of resilience, optimism and meaning. Each of the 174 participants completed five questionnaires: Life Orientation Test-Revised, Attributional Style Questionnaire, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report and a demographics questionnaire. The results of the hierarchical multiple regression showed that dispositional optimism, explanatory style optimism, and meaning do significantly explain variance accounted for in resilience with each adding something over and beyond the other variables. Both measures of optimism, the LOT-R and ASQ, significantly correlated with resilience. What was not predicted was that the presence of meaning would have a negative correlation with resilience. Additionally, dispositional optimism and explanatory style optimism were found to negatively correlate with having meaning.
Carol L. Patrick
Date of Award
Summer 2004
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
William, Amanda, "Resilience, Optimism, and Meaning" (2004). Master's Theses. 2931.
DOI: 10.58809/CMHD4261
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