Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Patient well-being and recovery have been positively correlated to the involvement of the nurse in the patient's spiritual dimension. If religion, faith, or spiritual values are seen as woven into the fabric of life, it is an inescapable function of nurses to recognize such values, because spirituality influences wellness. Examining the attitudes of hemodialysis nurses toward the role of spiritual care provider may reveal opportunities for hemodialysis nurses to better meet the spiritual care needs of their patients and thus improve the long-term health of these same patients. Therefore, a need exists to identify how the spiritual perceptions and practices of nephrology nurses impact nurse coping strategies in meeting hemodialysis patient care needs. This investigation was based on Travelbee’s Human-to-Human Relationship Theory. The purpose of this descriptive-correlational investigation was to explore the level of spiritual perception and practices, and the level of coping strategies in outpatient hemodialysis nurses, and to identify to what extent spirituality impacts coping strategy utilization and effectiveness in meeting hemodialysis patient care needs. Data were collected from Certified Nephrology Nurses working in chronic outpatient hemodialysis in five Midwestern states using (a) Reed's Spiritual Perspective Scale, (b) the Jalowiec Coping Scale, and (c) the Seaton Demographic Information Sheet. Nurse respondents (N = 234) saw themselves as moderately and privately spiritual. Some nurses perceived forgiveness to be most of their spirituality, while others included forgiveness with other aspects of spirituality. Confrontive, optimistic, supportant, and reliant coping strategies were most used and effective, and correlated with levels of spiritual practice, and perception. Spirituality in this investigation correlated with desirable coping strategies in the setting of chronic outpatient hemodialysis. Further research may elucidate the relationship between spirituality and certain coping strategies. Spirituality may account for the use and effectiveness of coping mechanisms, or certain coping skills may lead to greater spiritual awareness.




Mary R. Hassett

Date of Award

Spring 2004

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


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