Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This thesis was a descriptive study examining adviser awareness of the Kansas Student Publication Act (1992) as reported by advisers who were members of the Kansas Scholastic Press Association during the academic year 2002-2003. Because there were no studies prior to the passing of the Act, there was no base line study to determine whether the Act has had an impact since its passing. For this study, 216 advisors, the complete membership of the Kansas Scholastic Press Association, were either given a cover letter explaining the questionnaire and questionnaire at one of the fall conferences, or mailed a cover letter explaining the questionnaire, a questionnaire, and a business reply envelope. The questionnaire asked questions pertaining to controversial content issues, the number of times stories had been kept from publication, and the advisor’s knowledge of the Kansas Student Publication Act (1992). The number of subjects responding to the questionnaire was 123 (57%). Advisors are aware of the act. Of the 123 respondents, 109 advisors (88.6%) reported they had head of the Act prior to the survey. This study produced only one statistically significant result: advisors do teach the Act to their students but many feel their students’ knowledge is only average. Of the 117 advisors who answered the question, 50 advisors (53.2%) reported their students’ knowledge as average; 30 advisors (31.9%) reported their students’ knowledge as strong; the other 14 reported students’ knowledge as average/weak to weak. Only a small number of advisors reported stories had been kept from publication in the last year due to administration disapproval and respondents did indicate controversial topics were covered in student publications in the last 12 months.




Carol Haggard

Date of Award

Spring 2003

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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Communication Commons
