Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The current study empirically examined the relationship between six Reiss (2000) motives, as measured by the Reiss Profile of Fundamental Goals and Motivation Sensitivities, and the presence/absence of a behaviorally disordered child on a parent’s reported life satisfaction and self-esteem, measured by the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale in 117 participants. The motives of interest were Independence, Acceptance, Order, Social Contact, Family, and Tranquility. Previous research has established that both parent and child in a family with a behaviorally disordered child report less life satisfaction than families with non-diagnosed children. Life satisfaction has been liked to self-esteem in previous literature. To date, research has not examined the relationship between these two factors and internal motives in parents of behaviorally disordered children. The current study found, through planned comparisons, that parents with an ODD/CD child and a high need for four of the six motives as defined by Reiss (220) showed significantly lower self-esteem than all other parents tested. ODD/CD parents with high levels of need for five of the six motives were found to have significantly lower life satisfaction.


Carol L. Patrick

Date of Award

Spring 2003

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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