Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
I never knew my father until I met him for the first time as he lay dying in a small hospital in rural Missouri. There couldn’t have been any greater question to ask as to why fate chooses the strangest moments. Fate that answers to moments like these, moments meant to happen. This was the absolute conclusion to the mystery of who my father was, and the finality of this meeting was the most complete I had ever felt. My father died just a few hours later, yet I was in complete acceptance of this happening. Something beyond this reality gave me the chance, the fate to meet him. Fate selects us with no regard to time, place, or love. Passion selects us all at times when it best suits. Passion discovered me at a very young age before I knew what art was. The continuous drive for creation was never far from my mind throughout my youth and early adulthood. Art played the most significant role living in a less than perfect broken home. Questions from family members were always common as to why I chose to draw finely crafted subjects of the macabre and surreal. I never answered directly, yet I knew I was selected to create these images, however bizarre. I felt that to be truest to myself is to accept that I am a creator of abstract ideas and concepts that heavily relate to or rely on the less favored dark side of humanity. For years, my darkest experiences have lead to beauty in works of passion. Works that I have a duty to show to an audience and to society. I give these visions as a testament to human kind, because fate has chosen me.
Leland W. Powers
Date of Award
Spring 2002
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Kuksi, Kris, "Towards the Within" (2002). Master's Theses. 2854.
DOI: 10.58809/PFOM9711
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