Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
Bowlby’s (1969) theory of attachment states that, during infancy, patterns of attachment develop that continue to affect a person’s personality and relationships throughout the lifespan. Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, and Walls (1978) proposed three styles of attachment in children: secure, ambivalent, and avoidant. Concerning adults, Hazan and Shaver (1987) categorized attachment styles as a secure, avoidant, and anxious-ambivalent. The present study examined the relation a between adult attachment styles and perceived stress in college students. Data were collected using self-report measures of adult attachment and perceive stress. The data were then analyzed using planned comparisons and a correlation to determine the effects that attachment styles have on perceived stress in college students. The study had three hypotheses, the first two of which were supported. For hypothesis 1, a planned comparison analysis indicated that secure adults perceive less stress than avoidant and anxious adults. A correlation was used to analyze the data that pertained to hypothesis 2 which stated that anxious adults perceive more stress than either secure or avoidant adults. No significant results were found for the final hypothesis, which stated that avoidant adults perceive less stress than anxious adults.
School Psychology
Steven Duvall
Date of Award
Summer 2002
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Fuller, Nichole C., "The Relation Between Adult Attachment Styles and the Amount of College Students' Perceived Stress" (2002). Master's Theses. 2846.
DOI: 10.58809/FXVD4961
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