Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Electrical resistivity and vertical electrical sounding (VES) profiling surveys show trends of brine pollution following surface drainage patterns, as well as capillary movement of fluids, accumulation of salts, and sources of pollution. The VES surveys were not useful in determining depth due to the near surface brine; however, in conjunction with seismic refraction surveys at each of the pollution sites depth control seemed to work well with the Barnes Layer Method as opposed to the Moore Cumulative Method and Curve Matching Method. Movement through the unconsolidated material above bedrock and bedrock material and the effects on growing crops in contaminated material were estimated using existing soil and rock parameters. Movement would be very slow except during (short periods of rapid runoff) times of heavy rain. Most likely movement would be very slow in Sites #1, #2, and #4 since the material above bedrock is silty clay and bedrock is weathered shale to chalky shale. Whereas, in site #3 movement would proceed downstream quicker compared to the other three Sites due to its close proximity to the major stream of the area and more sand existing within the unconsolidated material above bedrock. Although accumulation of salts within the lowland area will produce a saline seep condition, downstream movement of some brine will still continue. As a result of my work, the extent of the brine, the movement of the brine, and the fertility of the soil were determined accurately and will be useful when remediation of the site occurs. Types of remediation will vary, from natural (passive - site #4), to mechanical (site #3). Sites #1 and #2 could be remediated by either in situ or passive forms. All remediation will most likely require the removal of pits or the lining of pits to take out the source of the pollution. Other resistivity profiling surveys should be conducted to monitor the future extent of the brine contamination.
Dr. Kenneth Neuhauser
Date of Award
Fall 2001
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Martin, Denny J., "Use of Electrical Resistivity and Seismic Refraction to Determine Brine Contamination in Western Russell County, Kansas" (2001). Master's Theses. 2822.
DOI: 10.58809/BNTF7955
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