Health and Human Performance
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of fatigue on genu recurvatum in collegiate and intramural athletes. The degree of genu recurvatum was determined for each participant prior to and following fatigue. The participants for this investigation were eighteen (9 males and 9 females) college age men and women. Each participant was selected based upon participation in collegiate and/or intramural athletics at Fort Hays State University during the 2000-2001 school year. All participants were included in the data analysis. The General Linear Model Repeated measures design was implemented to provide a means to examine repeated measure differences within participants (male and female) and ascertain if genu recurvatum comparison differences existed between the male and female groups at the .05 level. In this study, the dependent variables under investigation were the measures of genu recurvatum. The experimental condition involved the repeated measure of genu recurvatum prior to fatigue (pretest) and following the fatigue protocol (posttest). The fatigue protocol employed a modified Naughton-Balke treadmill protocol using a Trackmaster treadmill. All genu recurvatum measurements were obtained using the Peak performance Milton Analysis System (2D) after participants stabilized into a one-leg balance stance prior to and following fatigue. The analysis of the effect of fatigue on genu recurvatum showed no significance either between-participants effects of within-participants contrasts. Although not significant the female mean difference between pre-fatigue and post-fatigue measurements showed the greatest increase in genu recurvatum as compared to the male and the entire group when combined.
Health and Human Performance
Dr. Helen Miles
Date of Award
Spring 2001
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Domann, Candace L., "The Effect of Fatigue on the Genu Recurvatum in Collegiate and Intramural Athletes" (2001). Master's Theses. 2814.
DOI: 10.58809/XTJQ6288
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