Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


My subject matter varies from the hard, straight lines of the building front, the beauty of flowers with graceful curves, and the arabesque forms of the female nude. Each of these subjects show their inner soul when solarized and also gives the viewer a yin and yan of my subjects. To me, the true essence of art is beauty that I see in each of the objects I photograph, whether it is a building, a flower, or the female nude. Some have said that photographing the female nude is a disquieting subject. I believe that it can also be inspiring, and even surprising. As an artist, I have found a profound link with my subjects and myself through the pureness of their being. My photographs represent the sensuality of creativity in every sense. It is this sensuality that evokes one to fall in love, or to have passion of what one feels and believes; but most of all, it is the inspiration that drives the creativity within man.


Leland W. Powers

Date of Award

Spring 2001

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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