Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Spatiotemporal variation of fish assemblages in the Republican River, Kansas, was examined. Data including fish, habitat, stream morphology, and water chemistry were collected seven times over a two-year period (1995-1996) at five sites on the Republican River, Kansas. Principal coordinates analysis was used to identify spatiotemporal patterns in the fish assemblages and environmental data, and to examine relationships among the assemblages and the environment. Strong spatial and temporal patterns in the fish assemblages were identified, but there was little evidence that the measured environmental conditions structured the overall spatiotemporal patterns of fish assemblages. I conclude that the spatiotemporal patterns of the fish assemblages of the Republican River, Kansas, were not influenced significantly by the environmental factors in 1995 and 1996. I hypothesize that the fish assemblages of the river are structured by biotic and stochastic factors related to local processes.


Nick Mandrak

Date of Award

Fall 1998

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© 1998 H. Paul Foultz


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